Licensed handguns (both concealed carry and open carry) are permitted on premise, as allowed by state law, unless the type of event being held falls under an exception that would prohibit a person with a license to carry a handgun at the event. Any exceptions will be determined on a case-by-case basis by Ocean Shores Convention Center Management and will be in accordance with state law. Handguns must be carried in a manner that is allowed by state law. UNLICENSED handguns are NOT PERMITTED on the premises. The police department or security staff may request proof of handgun license. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
RCW 9.41.250
Dangerous weapons—Penalty.
(1) Every person who:
(a) Manufactures, sells, or disposes of or possesses any instrument or weapon of the kind usually known as slungshot, sand club, or metal knuckles, or spring blade knife;
(b) Furtively carries with intent to conceal any dagger, dirk, pistol, or other dangerous weapon; or
(c) Uses any contrivance or device for suppressing the noise of any firearm unless the suppressor is legally registered and possessed in accordance with federal law,
is guilty of a gross misdemeanor punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW.
(2) “Spring blade knife” means any knife, including a prototype, model, or other sample, with a blade that is automatically released by a spring mechanism or other mechanical device, or any knife having a blade which opens, or falls, or is ejected into position by the force of gravity, or by an outward, downward, or centrifugal thrust or movement. A knife that contains a spring, detent, or other mechanism designed to create a bias toward closure of the blade and that requires physical exertion applied to the blade by hand, wrist, or arm to overcome the bias toward closure to assist in opening the knife is not a spring blade knife.
[ 2012 c 179 § 1; 2011 c 13 § 1; 2007 c 379 § 1; 1994 sp.s. c 7 § 424; 1959 c 143 § 1; 1957 c 93 § 1; 1909 c 249 § 265; 1886 p 81 § 1; Code 1881 § 929; RRS § 2517.]
Finding—Intent—Severability—1994 sp.s. c 7: See notes following RCW 43.70.540.
Effective date—1994 sp.s. c 7 §§ 401-410, 413-416, 418-437, and 439-460
Exhibitors: The immediate sale of firearms is prohibited in the Center, although exhibitors may take orders for future delivery subject to applicable state and federal laws. Firearms must be deactivated by removal of the firing pin, the bolt, or otherwise altered so that they are incapable of being fired (e.g., by a metal lock through the trigger mechanism, a plastic strap securing the trigger or hammer mechanism, a plastic strap securing the firearm’s “action” mechanism in an “open” state, or otherwise).
Exhibitors: Knives or any other articles that have a blade or are sharply pointed must be displayed in a manner to limit access to and provide a safe environment for adults and children. If a question or dispute arises as to the level of protection provided by the vendor is considered adequate, the facility manager will make the final decision as to whether the vendor will be permitted to continue vending operation.