There will be sand all over town for the 2024 Five Star Dealerships Sand & Sawdust Festival!
Join us June 28,29 & 30, 2024 for three days of sand-filled programs at Ocean Shores Washington.
The programs will be held on the beach at the Ocean Shores Chance a la Mer NW beach access, at the Ocean Shores Convention Center and around town at Oyhut Bay Seaside Village, at Bennett’s Fish Shack, Playtime Family Fun & The Canterbury Inn

Friday, June 28th:
– Noon-5pm – Form Finders will be building a sandcastle near the contest site (*see directions). You can visit from around noon-5pm to talk with the team and watch
them build the event display sandcastle.
– 1pm and 3pm – Sandcastle Building Workshops: $5 per team or group up to 4 people, free with completed contest registration. The workshops are for anyone wanting to learn how to build and sculpt a sandcastle.
Saturday, June 29th:
– 9:00am-10:00am – Pre-event Team Sandcastle Building and Tool Making Workshop -$5 for groups under 5 people, and free to those who have already registered for the contest.
– 11am-3pm – Sandcastle Building Contest.
– 3:30 pm – Judging and awards – on the beach.
Before and after the contest be sure to visit the Convention Center with the amazing Chainsaw Carvers, Vendors, food,
and live music.
The Masters Sandcastle Contest features three sandcastles built around Ocean Shores. Thanks to the generosity of our four major sponsors – Playtime Family Fun, Oyhut Bay, Bennett’s Fish Shack and The Canterbury Inn - there will be sandcastles made by professional sand sculpture artists from around the state displayed at these businesses.
The sandcastles will be built Thursday, Friday and Saturday and they will be up until the wind blows them away. The sculptures are all available for public viewing as they are being built.
Stop on by the businesses for a close-up of these amazing creations that only live for a moment in time:
*Playtime Family Fun at 752 Point Brown Ave NE
*The Canterbury Inn at 643 Ocean Shores Blvd NW
*Oyhut Bay at 300 Lodge Ave SW - Central plaza volleyball court -
*Bennett’s Fish Shack (sculpture built at the Ocean Shores Convention Center)
Use the Chance a La Mer entrance. Once on the beach, the activities are to the left of the parking poles (south). You will see the tent, banners, and registration table for the contest and Justin’s truck and banners for sand drawing. Cars are allowed on the beach to drive and park but cars are not allowed past the permanent poles to the south.
QUESTIONS? Art at Beach Producer
Kelly 360.461.3950 (call or text)
Formfinders are a sand sculpture team headquartered in Olympia, WA. Team members hail from various parts of Washington and Oregon and come together each summer to find the hidden treasures just waiting to be carved out of the sand. Since 2008 the team has won many regional awards at various sand festivals.

Justin the Circler has dedicated his life to learning the ancient craft of pure or sacred geometry and its endless related topics. A naturalist, philosopher, mathematician, inventor, and artist, he has emerged as a messenger and teacher. Many sleepless nights spent contemplating, theorizing and notating original ideas to later find out his ideas are ages old but have been forgotten or even hidden.